Pulling Level 1
A1: Cactus into external rotation on the wall
2-3 x 10 cactus or 45s passive stretch
This is all about creating more space in your shoulder capsule. We will begin with creating this space actively with repetitions.
Really try to squeeze an push the hand back behind you on each rep.
Do 10 reps. If that’s easy or you want more you can do an isometric hold of 10-20s maximally pulling the fist behind you.
C1: Bent arm Lat Stretch w. Dowel if possible
1-2 x 60-90s of passive stretch
The aim is to get the lats working. Use a dowel to get the hands wider than the elbows. Try to keep the ribs pulled in to focus the stretch on the lats.
D1: Passive Hang > Scapular Pulls
3 x 30-60s
Grab a bar or some rings and try to hang for up to a minute. If the weight is too much have your feet on the floor to begin with (you can use a box or bench if the bar is too high). If hanging for 60 is no problem then do 10 scapular pull-ups at the beginning of your 60s hold.
E1: Ring rows > rowing on machine
3 x 8-12 reps
Start with the rings around hip height. The closer your feet are to the anchor point for the rings, the more difficult. Allow your shoulders to go through the whole range of motion - focussing on squeezing the shoulder blades together at the top of each rep.
F1: Biceps - REPS
2-3 x 12-15 reps
Get a little pump in the bicep to finish - this will help sculpt arms and also help towards chin ups!
Row (ideally), run, elliptical
4 Rounds 60s on, 60s off
For the 60 seconds of work - don’t go full out but work at 6-8/10 effort. You should aim to keep a smooth consistent pace for the whole time. If you can, row. It will use all the muscles we’ve just used for pulling, get them full of blood and help with recovery. If you can’t row (or just really don’t like it) then use an elliptical, get out and run or do whatever general cardio movement you dislike the least.
Cool Down
Bench Thoracic
1-2 x 60-90s
Option 1: Bent arms, squeeze elbows together
Option 2: Straight arms
Breath deep into the ribs and allow the hips to sink down to the floor. Stay calm and each time you exhale think about allowing more opening of the spine.