Pulling Level 2
A1: Shoulder External Rotation - wall or with a ring
1-2 x 60s passive + 10s isometric (each side)
Use a wall, rig or band. Create external rotation in the shoulder, hunting to create a deep stretch sensation in the shoulder capsule. If you can find the stretch you can perform an isometric. Start slow here creating tension through the body first. Then building up the tension - pushing the hand into the object or ring/band. Hold the isometric for 10-20 seconds.
B1: Lat stretch & activation with a band
2 x 10 reps each side
The whole focus is for you to find your lats and get them fired up! So go hunting for activation and pay attention to the sensations.
C1: Hanging scap pulls > Arching scap pulls
3 x 10 reps
Using a bar or some rings start in a dead hang. With straight arms depress and retract the scapulars - lift yourself as high as possible. If this is nice and easy try to get your chest facing up towards the ceiling too.
D1: Single arm ring rows or cable rows
3 x 8-10 reps
Using a cable machine, rings or a TRX perform a rows focussing on full scapular movements. Try to keep your shoulders square (don’t twist) and maximise engagement of the lats!
F1: Biceps - continuous tension set
2-3 x 45-60s
Keep tension in the bicep the whole time - don’t let them relax at the bottom of each rep. Try to work as close to failure as possible without losing good form.
Row (ideally), run, elliptical, bike
4 Rounds 60s on, 30s off (shorter rest than Pulling level 1)
For the 60 seconds of work - don’t go full out but work at 6-8/10 effort. You should aim to keep a smooth consistent pace for the whole time. If you can, row. It will use all the muscles we’ve just used for pulling, get them full of blood and help with recovery. If you can’t row (or just really don’t like it) then use an elliptical, get out and run or do whatever general cardio movement you dislike the least.